Friday, 28 February 2014


Our next event is a first visit to the lovely borders town of Peebles where at 4pm on Saturday 5th April 2014 we will sing Choral Evensong in The Old Parish Church of Peebles which is right at the end of the High Street.

The music will be:

Introit: Christ has no body now but yours (Ogden)
Responses: Ayleward
Psalms: 42 & 43
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in d minor (Walmisley)
Anthem: Salvator Mundi (Blow)

Our musical director Frikki Walker is unavailable that day, but we're delighted to be under the control of our assistant musical director Richard Walmsley.

Many thanks are due to Kim D Smith for permission to use the striking background image on our poster.