Monday, 25 November 2013

St Aloysius' Vigil Mass

Our last meeting of 2013 took place on Saturday when we were delighted to make a return visit to the wonderful acoustic of St Aloysius' RC church in Glasgow city centre, where we provided the music for their Saturday evening Vigil Mass, and followed it with some most enjoyable socialising.

Byrd's lovely Mass for four voices was the setting, and Sir Edward Bairstow's Let all mortal flesh keep silence was the post communion motet with the solo Bass and Tenor parts being performed by Neil Parker and Gary Young respectively, and the glorious echo provided by the church between the alleluias in that piece showed what Bairstow must have had in mind when he wrote it while organist of York Minster. Stunning!

Sadly, at short notice one of our members, Angela, was unable to join us on Saturday as her father-in-law had passed away unexpectedly, but Fr Smith kindly agreed to remember him during the service and so we prayed for Donald Brown together.

Rest eternal grant unto him O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him.  May he rest in peace and rise in Glory. Amen

The next time you can hear RSCM Scottish Voices sing will be on Saturday 15th February 2014 in St Michael's Church, Linlithgow (right next door to Linlithgow Palace) when we shall sing Choral Evensong at 4pm. Full details of dates and venues for all of our 2014 season are contained on our "future services and events" page which can be accessed from the sidebar at the top right.