Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Hadley Court Singers

There's an audition day for prospective new members of RSCM Scottish Voices on Saturday 22nd September and it isn't too late to apply to join - just contact the administrator using the details in the sidebar on the right.

In the meantime though, if you're interested in joining a choir in Haddington then the Hadley Court Singers, which is conducted by the very talented Simon Nieminski and in which one of our members sings, could well be the very one for you, and they're having an open evening on Wednesday 19th September 2012 from 7.30pm until 9.30pm in Holy Trinity Church in Haddington. 

Contact their membership secretary via their website which is at www.hadleycourtsingers.co.uk

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Come and join us

We're having an audition day on Saturday 22nd September 2012 for prospective new choir members who are interested in filling one of the limited numbers of vacancies we currently have.

For further information and to apply contact the administrator by email, using the details in the sidebar on the right, but don't forget to have a read through the criteria for membership, especially age and residence.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

2013 season announced!

The next time you can hear us sing is on November 10th 2012 in St John's Episcopal Church in Dumfries when we bring our 2012 season to a close with a Remembrance themed Choral Evensong, but hot off the press this weekend the 2013 season for RSCM Scottish Voices has now been announced.

We start the year on Saturday February 2nd in St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow, home church of our Musical Director Frikki Walker and several of our choir, where we shall be taking part in a Choral Mass for Candlemas at 4.30pm.

On Saturday 9th March we will be making a first visit to the university town of St Andrews, where we will be singing Choral Evensong in Holy Trinity Parish Church, which in the past has been host to concerts by The Sixteen and The Tallis Scholars.

Saturday 27th April sees us helping celebrate the 850th anniversary year of the founding of Paisley Abbey, with our first visit to sing in that historic building.

In June we will be singing somewhere, but the exact date and the venue is still in negotiation, so watch this space!

Friday August 2nd to Sunday August 4th* will be our annual residential rehearsal weekend, venue to be decided but it features no public performance so the finer details may well not be publicised here.
* please note this is a date change from that first posted here (updated 13/10/2012)

Our stretching of the Scottish geographic boundaries continues on Saturday 14th September when we pay a first visit to sing Choral Evensong in St Andrew's Episcopal Cathedral in Inverness.

As well as the 850th anniversary of Paisley Abbey, the year 2013 is the centenary of the Carnegie Trust undertaking the first ever publishing of Tudor Church Music, and we're delighted to be able to help them celebrate this auspicious occasion by singing Tudor music for them on Saturday 12th October.  The venue is still to be finalised, but we're hopeful it'll involve singing in a suitably old abbey, cathedral or church.

Our 2013 season comes to a close with a return visit to the outstanding acoustic of St Aloysius' RC Church in Glasgow, where although the details of the service have still to be discussed we hope to take part in their regular Vigil Mass on Saturday 23rd November.

Full details, including music lists of all of the above will be announced here as and when information becomes available, and on a rolling basis our Future Services and Events page will be updated.

Friday, 10 August 2012

Strathallan residential weekend 2012

This evening members of RSCM Scottish Voices will gather from all over the country and assemble in the delightful setting of Strathallan School in rural Perthshire to take part in the 2012 annual residential rehearsal weekend.

There will be loads of good music (I know, I've seen the secret list!), good friends, good fun, good laughs, and, naturally, good and extended partying!

The 2013 season will be announced to the choir over the weekend, and posted here on Sunday afternoon, so watch this space.

We hope to organise an audition day in the autumn for prospective new members hoping to join us in 2013.  Contact the administrator using the email address in the sidebar to the right if you're interested, or you want to find out more.  But read the blurb on the right first, there are some criteria which need fulfilled by members (age, residence etc).