Monday, 20 September 2010


Our most recent meeting was a very successful one at St John's Episcopal Church in Forfar on 11th September.  That date resonates round the world in its better known format of 9/11, so music was specially chosen by Frikki to commemorate the 9th anniversary of the events of 2001.

Unfortunately at very short notice Richard Walmsley had to pull out of the service, but luckily we were joined by Revd Rupert Jeffcoat, whose stunning playing left me grinning widely on more than one occasion! I have no doubt that Rupert will be joining us again.

A family commitment, well, committal if the truth be told, meant I couldn't be there for the morning rehearsal so I wasn't able to sing in the service, however this meant that for the first time I was able to hear what RSCM Scottish Voices actually sounds like from a congregational perspective.  And not only was I not disappointed, I was very very impressed!

For some time now both Frikki and Richard have been saying how pleased they both are with the way the choir has developed in the fairly short time since we started, and while in response I've been nodding my head and agreeing, secretly I've been thinking "what are they talking about, it's OK but it's not as brilliant as you guys are making out".  Well I now realise that they have had the benefit of not being in the midst of all the singers so have been able to hear the overall sound.  And they have been right all along!  OK, this is the choir site, and I am the choir administrator, so it's forgiveable if I try to talk up our capabilities on this forum.  But I don't need to talk them up.  RSCM Scottish Voices is actually a very good choir, particularly given the short time it's been in existence, and the paltry 13 times we've met each other to sing together.

Not only that, but the introit actually moved me to tears.  It's no secret that I'm not a big fan of John L Bell's musical style, but his anthem There is a place, written to commemorate the victims of the Dunblane massacre of 1996 when gunman Thomas Hamilton murdered sixteen children and a teacher, just hit the spot.  OK, again emotionally I was in a strange place, having been scattering the ashes of a close and much loved family member that morning, but the choir sang beautifully and very movingly.

And inevitably, following the service a large crowd of us wandered a short way to the Queens Tavern, where some good beer and food was consumed.  As tradition dictates.

All in all, a good day for the choir.