After ten years in post our administrator Gary decided that the time was right for him to step down with effect from our 2018 residential rehearsal weekend in August 2018.
As part of the handover to our new administrator we have now closed this blog, and everything is being transferred to our own dedicated website:
Yes, we know it's the same URL you may always have used to visit this blog but it no longer points here it points to our own site!
Thanks for following us here over the fledgling years of our choir, and please do go to our new site and watch it develop.
Best wishes, from the now-former administrator.
Saturday, 18 August 2018
Sunday, 20 May 2018
Sun, weddings, football, and Evensong
Glorious weather, a Royal wedding, and two football cup finals. How could Saturday 19th May 2018 be any better?
Well, the answer to that of course is connected to 38 singers, a musical director, and an organist making their collective way south from Scotland to the awesome Durham Cathedral to sing Choral Evensong.
We absolutely LOVED Durham, a true high spot in our choir's ten year history, we were made to feel very welcome, and we look forward to a return visit at some time in the future.
Directed as ever by the wonderful Frikki Walker, we sang the responses by Herbert Sumsion (very appropriate since they were written by him for Richard Lloyd and Durham Cathedral choir), Sir John Stainer's B flat setting of the Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis, and the somewhat epic Evening Hymn by Henry Balfour Gardiner, so plenty opportunity for our organist Kevin Duggan to explore the tubas and 32' stops of the magnificent cathedral organ, the showpiece of Durham based organ builders Harrison & Harrison .
That draws to a close the first half of the 2018 season of RSCM Scottish Voices, other than us singing as part of the massed choirs at the 2018 RSCM Scotland Triennial Festival in Dundee on 2nd June, as well as during that service singing Let all mortal flesh keep silence by Bairstow as our own contribution on the day.
We have exciting trips in the second half of the year, with visits to St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Edinburgh, Dunblane Cathedral, and Kings College Chapel in Aberdeen, but before all of them we are very much looking forward to our residential rehearsal weekend in August when we will be returning to the Scottish Police College to learn some repertoire and to socialise together. Both very important activities!
Watch this space for details of our music lists, and please like our page on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter, to keep up with all our news and activities.
Well, the answer to that of course is connected to 38 singers, a musical director, and an organist making their collective way south from Scotland to the awesome Durham Cathedral to sing Choral Evensong.
We absolutely LOVED Durham, a true high spot in our choir's ten year history, we were made to feel very welcome, and we look forward to a return visit at some time in the future.
Directed as ever by the wonderful Frikki Walker, we sang the responses by Herbert Sumsion (very appropriate since they were written by him for Richard Lloyd and Durham Cathedral choir), Sir John Stainer's B flat setting of the Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis, and the somewhat epic Evening Hymn by Henry Balfour Gardiner, so plenty opportunity for our organist Kevin Duggan to explore the tubas and 32' stops of the magnificent cathedral organ, the showpiece of Durham based organ builders Harrison & Harrison .
That draws to a close the first half of the 2018 season of RSCM Scottish Voices, other than us singing as part of the massed choirs at the 2018 RSCM Scotland Triennial Festival in Dundee on 2nd June, as well as during that service singing Let all mortal flesh keep silence by Bairstow as our own contribution on the day.
We have exciting trips in the second half of the year, with visits to St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Edinburgh, Dunblane Cathedral, and Kings College Chapel in Aberdeen, but before all of them we are very much looking forward to our residential rehearsal weekend in August when we will be returning to the Scottish Police College to learn some repertoire and to socialise together. Both very important activities!
Watch this space for details of our music lists, and please like our page on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter, to keep up with all our news and activities.
Sunday, 18 February 2018
Chrism Mass
Our 2018 season started in fine style yesterday with a totally unaccompanied Choral Evensong in the wonderful acoustic of the mediaeval quire of historic Bothwell Parish Church, directed by Frikki Walker and with the service led by Rev Jim Gibson, Minister of Bothwell and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen in Scotland.
Our thoughts turn now to our next meeting, on Saturday 24th March, when at 4pm we shall be providing the music for the Chrism Mass in St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow, led by the Bishop of Glasgow & Galloway, the Right Reverend Dr Gregor Duncan.
Frikki will, as normal, be directing the choir and we are glad to be accompanied again by Kevin Duggan of Dunblane Cathedral.
Setting: Communion Service in G (Dr Francis Jackson)
Motet: A new commandment (Peter Nardone)
Motet: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Sir Edward Cuthbert Bairstow)
Our thoughts turn now to our next meeting, on Saturday 24th March, when at 4pm we shall be providing the music for the Chrism Mass in St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow, led by the Bishop of Glasgow & Galloway, the Right Reverend Dr Gregor Duncan.
Frikki will, as normal, be directing the choir and we are glad to be accompanied again by Kevin Duggan of Dunblane Cathedral.
Setting: Communion Service in G (Dr Francis Jackson)
Motet: A new commandment (Peter Nardone)
Motet: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Sir Edward Cuthbert Bairstow)
Sunday, 12 November 2017
We will remember them
Our 2017 season drew to a close yesterday, fittingly on Armistice Day, when we sang a Remembrance themed Choral Evensong in St Paul's Episcopal Cathedral in Dundee, directed by Frikki Walker and accompanied by Kevin Duggan.
St Paul's continue to be most welcoming and generous hosts, and we look forward to future visits. Thanks are particularly due to the Pastoral Musician Stuart Muir for his help in making the arrangements and for his tireless work on the day making us tea and coffee and generally being helpful, and to the Provost the Very Revd Jeremy Auld not only for allowing us to visit but for his sensitive leading of the service and his singing as cantor in the responses.
So our year finishes and whilst the thoughts of our singers turn towards the music they will sing in their home choirs over Advent and Christmas our Musical Director and particularly our Administrator put their minds to the various behind the scenes changes involved in the impending change from oversight by the RSCM Scotland committee to oversight by RSCM HQ in Salisbury, and all that entails. Initially a "child" of the RSCM Scotland committee back in 2008 the choir has gone from strength to strength with the magnificent support of the committee since we first sang a service together in January 2009, and we thank committee members past and present for that support, whilst looking forward with excitement to the new chapter in our corporate life and the opportunities that may present themselves.
And looking into the near'ish future, the next time we sing together will be in the Mediaeval Quire of Bothwell Parish Church in Lanarkshire, when we will sing an unaccompanied Choral Evensong at 4pm on Saturday 17th February 2018. We hope to see you there!
choral evensong,
Sunday, 8 October 2017
They shall grow not old
After a most enjoyable Choral Evensong yesterday in St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow under the direction of James Kealey and with Christopher Nickol accompanying, our thoughts turn to our next event, the last of 2017, when we will be singing a special Choral Evensong for Remembrance at 4pm on Saturday 11th November in St Paul's Cathedral, Dundee, led by our Musical Director Frikki Walker and accompanied on this occasion by Kevin Duggan, Musical Director of Dunblane Cathedral.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
we will remember them.
Laurence Binyon
- Introit: The souls of the righteous (Herbert Murrill)
- Responses: John Bertalot
- Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in F (George Dyson)
- Anthem: Though I speak with the tongues of men (Sir Edward Cuthbert Bairstow)
- Vesper: For the fallen (Douglas Guest)
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
we will remember them.
Laurence Binyon
Sunday, 10 September 2017
A first for RSCM Scottish Voices
Our next meeting is a return to the familiar and much loved territory of St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow, where our Musical Director Frikki Walker is Director of Music and where a fair number of our singers are in the Cathedral Choir, to sing Choral Evensong at 4pm on Saturday 7th October 2017.
Introit: O pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Herbert Howells)
Responses: Bernard Rose
Psalm: 37 vv 1-11
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in F (Peter Aston)
Anthem: Evening Hymn (Henry Balfour-Gardiner)
While the venue is very familiar to us, this will be a first for RSCM Scottish Voices since because of the recent departure to Ely of our now former Assistant Musical Director Richard Walmsley and the non-availability on this occasion of our Musical Director Frikki Walker, we will be directed and accompanied by James Kealey and Christopher Nickol respectively, the very first time that any of our meetings hasn't featured either (or more usually both) Frikki or Richard.
We are of course in safe hands, we wouldn't be so foolish as to experiment wildly.
James has recently moved to Glasgow from Somerset where he was Senior Organ Scholar and Second Assistant at Wells Cathedral (where Frikki was previously a Vicar Choral in the choir at the same time that Richard was a Treble in the choir, small world, isn't it?) and he has taken up the position of Director of Choral Music at St Aloysius' College in Glasgow (coincidentally replacing Keith Roberts who until he moved south a few weeks ago sang countertenor in the choir of St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral under Frikki).
Christopher Nickol is quite simply legendary in choral and organ circles in Glasgow, famous for his undoubted organ playing skill but also for his party piece of being able to play anything you care to name, instantly, and without the need for music. Born in Cambridge, he was a music scholar at Ampleforth College, Organ Scholar at Royal Holloway College (University of London), and postgraduate scholar at the Royal College of Music, and is currently Director of Music at New Kilpatrick Church in Bearsden, staff pianist and organist at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, pianist at the Dance School of Scotland, accompanist of Bearsden Choir, and a regular deputy organist at both Glasgow Cathedral and Glasgow University. Christopher has performed as an organist and soloist with the BBC SSO, Caledonian Voices, Glasgow Cathedral Choir & Choral Society, Glasgow Chamber Choir, the National Youth Choir of Scotland, the RCS Chamber Choir, the RSNO and RSNO Chorus, and the choir of St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow. He has given over 500 concerts on the organ in Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery in Glasgow, including one that went viral on social media on the day that the death was announced of David Bowie when, without any printed music, he played Life on Mars and a mobile phone video recording of it has been viewed on Facebook alone almost 2 million times. It's well worth a watch/listen and it can be found at
or a shorter clip on Youtube at
Introit: O pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Herbert Howells)
Responses: Bernard Rose
Psalm: 37 vv 1-11
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in F (Peter Aston)
Anthem: Evening Hymn (Henry Balfour-Gardiner)
While the venue is very familiar to us, this will be a first for RSCM Scottish Voices since because of the recent departure to Ely of our now former Assistant Musical Director Richard Walmsley and the non-availability on this occasion of our Musical Director Frikki Walker, we will be directed and accompanied by James Kealey and Christopher Nickol respectively, the very first time that any of our meetings hasn't featured either (or more usually both) Frikki or Richard.
We are of course in safe hands, we wouldn't be so foolish as to experiment wildly.
James has recently moved to Glasgow from Somerset where he was Senior Organ Scholar and Second Assistant at Wells Cathedral (where Frikki was previously a Vicar Choral in the choir at the same time that Richard was a Treble in the choir, small world, isn't it?) and he has taken up the position of Director of Choral Music at St Aloysius' College in Glasgow (coincidentally replacing Keith Roberts who until he moved south a few weeks ago sang countertenor in the choir of St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral under Frikki).
Christopher Nickol is quite simply legendary in choral and organ circles in Glasgow, famous for his undoubted organ playing skill but also for his party piece of being able to play anything you care to name, instantly, and without the need for music. Born in Cambridge, he was a music scholar at Ampleforth College, Organ Scholar at Royal Holloway College (University of London), and postgraduate scholar at the Royal College of Music, and is currently Director of Music at New Kilpatrick Church in Bearsden, staff pianist and organist at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, pianist at the Dance School of Scotland, accompanist of Bearsden Choir, and a regular deputy organist at both Glasgow Cathedral and Glasgow University. Christopher has performed as an organist and soloist with the BBC SSO, Caledonian Voices, Glasgow Cathedral Choir & Choral Society, Glasgow Chamber Choir, the National Youth Choir of Scotland, the RCS Chamber Choir, the RSNO and RSNO Chorus, and the choir of St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow. He has given over 500 concerts on the organ in Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery in Glasgow, including one that went viral on social media on the day that the death was announced of David Bowie when, without any printed music, he played Life on Mars and a mobile phone video recording of it has been viewed on Facebook alone almost 2 million times. It's well worth a watch/listen and it can be found at
or a shorter clip on Youtube at
2017-18 music list
The music list for the next 12 months has just today been finalised and announced, and we're really looking forward to a lovely balance of revisiting some previously performed classics and learning pieces we've never sung before. Please do come along to any of the services if you're in the area.
All of it is contained on our "future services and events" page on this site, but is reproduced below.
7th October 2017
St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow
Choral Evensong at 4pm
Director: James Kealey
Organist: Christopher Nickol
Introit: O pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Herbert Howells)
Responses: Bernard Rose
Psalm: 37 vv 1-11
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in F (Peter Aston)
Anthem: Evening Hymn (Henry Balfour-Gardiner)
11th November 2017
St Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, Dundee
Choral Evensong for Remembrance at 4pm
Director: Frikki Walker
Organist: Kevin Duggan
Introit: The souls of the righteous (Herbert Murrill)
Responses: John Bertalot
Psalms: 60 & 61
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in F (George Dyson)
Anthem: Though I speak with the tongues of men (Edward Cuthbert Bairstow)
Vesper: For the fallen (Douglas Guest)
17th February 2018
Bothwell Parish Church
Unaccompanied Choral Evensong in Mediaeval Quire at 4pm
Directors: Frikki Walker & Kevin Duggan
Introit: This is the day which the Lord hath made (Anonymous, probably Osbert Parsley)
Responses: Richard Ayleward
Psalm: 43 (Scottish Paraphrase - tune: Martyrs)
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis First Service (Robert Parsons)
Anthem: Hear the voice and prayer (Thomas Tallis)
24th March 2018
St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow
Chrism Mass at 4pm
Director: Frikki Walker
Organist: Kevin Duggan
Setting: Communion Service in G (Francis Jackson)
Motet: A new commandment (Peter Nardone)
Motet: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Edward Cuthbert Bairstow)
19th May 2018
Durham Cathedral
Choral Evensong at 5.15pm
Director: Frikki Walker
Organist: Kevin Duggan
Responses: Herbert Sumsion
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in B flat (Sir John Stainer)
Anthem: Though I speak with the tongues of men (Edward Cuthbert Bairstow)
All of it is contained on our "future services and events" page on this site, but is reproduced below.
7th October 2017
St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow
Choral Evensong at 4pm
Director: James Kealey
Organist: Christopher Nickol
Introit: O pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Herbert Howells)
Responses: Bernard Rose
Psalm: 37 vv 1-11
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in F (Peter Aston)
Anthem: Evening Hymn (Henry Balfour-Gardiner)
11th November 2017
St Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, Dundee
Choral Evensong for Remembrance at 4pm
Director: Frikki Walker
Organist: Kevin Duggan
Introit: The souls of the righteous (Herbert Murrill)
Responses: John Bertalot
Psalms: 60 & 61
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in F (George Dyson)
Anthem: Though I speak with the tongues of men (Edward Cuthbert Bairstow)
Vesper: For the fallen (Douglas Guest)
17th February 2018
Bothwell Parish Church
Unaccompanied Choral Evensong in Mediaeval Quire at 4pm
Directors: Frikki Walker & Kevin Duggan
Introit: This is the day which the Lord hath made (Anonymous, probably Osbert Parsley)
Responses: Richard Ayleward
Psalm: 43 (Scottish Paraphrase - tune: Martyrs)
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis First Service (Robert Parsons)
Anthem: Hear the voice and prayer (Thomas Tallis)
24th March 2018
St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow
Chrism Mass at 4pm
Director: Frikki Walker
Organist: Kevin Duggan
Setting: Communion Service in G (Francis Jackson)
Motet: A new commandment (Peter Nardone)
Motet: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Edward Cuthbert Bairstow)
19th May 2018
Durham Cathedral
Choral Evensong at 5.15pm
Director: Frikki Walker
Organist: Kevin Duggan
Responses: Herbert Sumsion
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in B flat (Sir John Stainer)
Anthem: Though I speak with the tongues of men (Edward Cuthbert Bairstow)
choral evensong,
music list
Saturday, 19 August 2017
Queen of the South revisited
Our next outing is a very welcome return visit to sing Choral Evensong in the beautiful town of Dumfries, close to the border, in St John's Episcopal Church at 4pm.
Introit: Abendleid (Josef Rheinberger)
Responses: Herbert Sumsion
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in G (Herbert Sumsion)
Anthem: Let the people praise Thee O God (William Mathias)
We will as usual be directed by the wonderful Frikki Walker and on this occasion, having recently said a sad goodbye to our friend and Assistant Musical Director Richard Walmsley who with his family has now moved to Cambridgeshire to take up the position of head of music at the King's School in Ely, we will be accompanied by Steven McIntyre, Assistant Organist at St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow.
Introit: Abendleid (Josef Rheinberger)
Responses: Herbert Sumsion
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in G (Herbert Sumsion)
Anthem: Let the people praise Thee O God (William Mathias)
We will as usual be directed by the wonderful Frikki Walker and on this occasion, having recently said a sad goodbye to our friend and Assistant Musical Director Richard Walmsley who with his family has now moved to Cambridgeshire to take up the position of head of music at the King's School in Ely, we will be accompanied by Steven McIntyre, Assistant Organist at St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow.
Saturday, 15 July 2017
2018 season announced
After several months of work our administrator has finally put the last pieces into place for our 2018 season, so we can now officially announce all of our future dates and venues from this point onwards.
All of it will be rewarding and enjoyable, but in particular we're looking forward to our second proper foray across the border, and having sung in Carlisle Cathedral in 2016 we travel a little further south and lots further east to the magnificent Durham Cathedral. Another highlight will undoubtedly be taking part in a Mass in King's College Chapel in Aberdeen, featuring music by Francois Couperin (1668-1733) which has been a particular interest and study subject of our Musical Director Frikki Walker who had the opportunity to travel to France in June this year with a group of fellow organists from the Royal College of Organists to play various organs including one in the Palace of Versailles.
Friday 11th to Sunday 13th August 2017
Annual Residential Rehearsal Weekend, Scottish Police College, Tulliallan Castle (NB no public access)
9th September 2017
St John's Episcopal Church, Dumfries
Choral Evensong at 4pm
7th October 2017
St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow
Choral Evensong at 4pm
11th November 2017
St Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, Dundee
Choral Evensong at 4pm
17th February 2018
Bothwell Parish Church
Choral Evensong at 4pm
24th March 2018
St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow
Chrism Mass at 4pm
19th May 2018
Durham Cathedral
Choral Evensong at 5.15pm
2nd June 2018
Along with choirs from around Scotland we will be taking part in the RSCM Scotland Triennial Festival in Dundee
Friday 10th to Sunday 12th August 2018
Annual Residential Rehearsal Weekend, Scottish Police College, Tulliallan Castle (NB no public access)
15th September 2018
St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh
Choral Evensong at 4pm
6th October 2018
King's College Chapel, Aberdeen
Mass at 4pm, featuring music by Couperin
17th November 2018
Dunblane Cathedral
Choral Evensong at 4pm
We are a non-denominational choir that sings in churches of varying traditions, and often in them we sing Choral Evensong which although of Anglican origin is a beautiful Christian service which lends itself wonderfully to some of the most fantastic music ever written. The following was spotted by our administrator in a cathedral in England and they did not object when they were asked if we could use it, so for several years it has been included in all of our Choral Evensong Orders of Service:
Some have said that Choral Evensong seems to be more of a concert that an act of worship. That would be true if the singing were offered to those present – but it isn’t. It is offered by the Choir, on behalf of the whole church, to Almighty God – who alone is the audience to all worship; we are part of that offering, even though we say little and sing even less; by our presence and our silent assent we are worshipping as we allow the Choir – doing something beautiful for God who creates, preserves and redeems us – to lift our hearts beyond the mundane into the realms of the eternal and glorious life of heaven.
All of it will be rewarding and enjoyable, but in particular we're looking forward to our second proper foray across the border, and having sung in Carlisle Cathedral in 2016 we travel a little further south and lots further east to the magnificent Durham Cathedral. Another highlight will undoubtedly be taking part in a Mass in King's College Chapel in Aberdeen, featuring music by Francois Couperin (1668-1733) which has been a particular interest and study subject of our Musical Director Frikki Walker who had the opportunity to travel to France in June this year with a group of fellow organists from the Royal College of Organists to play various organs including one in the Palace of Versailles.
Friday 11th to Sunday 13th August 2017
Annual Residential Rehearsal Weekend, Scottish Police College, Tulliallan Castle (NB no public access)
9th September 2017
St John's Episcopal Church, Dumfries
Choral Evensong at 4pm
7th October 2017
St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow
Choral Evensong at 4pm
11th November 2017
St Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, Dundee
Choral Evensong at 4pm
17th February 2018
Bothwell Parish Church
Choral Evensong at 4pm
24th March 2018
St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow
Chrism Mass at 4pm
19th May 2018
Durham Cathedral
Choral Evensong at 5.15pm
2nd June 2018
Along with choirs from around Scotland we will be taking part in the RSCM Scotland Triennial Festival in Dundee
Friday 10th to Sunday 12th August 2018
Annual Residential Rehearsal Weekend, Scottish Police College, Tulliallan Castle (NB no public access)
15th September 2018
St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh
Choral Evensong at 4pm
6th October 2018
King's College Chapel, Aberdeen
Mass at 4pm, featuring music by Couperin
17th November 2018
Dunblane Cathedral
Choral Evensong at 4pm
We are a non-denominational choir that sings in churches of varying traditions, and often in them we sing Choral Evensong which although of Anglican origin is a beautiful Christian service which lends itself wonderfully to some of the most fantastic music ever written. The following was spotted by our administrator in a cathedral in England and they did not object when they were asked if we could use it, so for several years it has been included in all of our Choral Evensong Orders of Service:
Some have said that Choral Evensong seems to be more of a concert that an act of worship. That would be true if the singing were offered to those present – but it isn’t. It is offered by the Choir, on behalf of the whole church, to Almighty God – who alone is the audience to all worship; we are part of that offering, even though we say little and sing even less; by our presence and our silent assent we are worshipping as we allow the Choir – doing something beautiful for God who creates, preserves and redeems us – to lift our hearts beyond the mundane into the realms of the eternal and glorious life of heaven.
Thursday, 18 May 2017
Vacancies for singers
It doesn't happen all that often, but at the moment we're actually in the position that we have a limited number of vacancies for singers, primarily basses but also one or two altos and a tenor.
Have a look at the attached poster, and elsewhere on this site where there's details of what we're all about and what membership involves, and get in touch with our administrator to arrange an audition.
We're actually a nice bunch of sociable people who happen to sing stuff to a high standard, and we'd love to see you join us!
Sunday, 5 March 2017
TOPCOP revisited
After our visit to the Church of the Holy Rude in Stirling, the next time we meet will be on Saturday 20th May 2017 when at 4pm we will be singing Choral Evensong in Peebles Old Parish Church in the Scottish Borders.
Introit: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Edward Cuthbert Bairstow)
Responses: William Byrd
Psalm: 104 vv24-35
Canticles: Magnificat Primi Toni (Giovanni Perluigi da Palestrina)
Canticles: Nunc Dimittis in B flat (Charles Wood)
Anthem: O clap your hands (Orlando Gibbons)
We thoroughly enjoyed our previous visit to Peebles, it's a lovely town, and we're very much looking forward to our return visit.
And the title of this post? Well it alludes to The Old Parish Church Of Peebles!
Thanks to Kim D Smith for graciously allowing us to use her photograph as the background to our poster.
Introit: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Edward Cuthbert Bairstow)
Responses: William Byrd
Psalm: 104 vv24-35
Canticles: Magnificat Primi Toni (Giovanni Perluigi da Palestrina)
Canticles: Nunc Dimittis in B flat (Charles Wood)
Anthem: O clap your hands (Orlando Gibbons)
We thoroughly enjoyed our previous visit to Peebles, it's a lovely town, and we're very much looking forward to our return visit.
And the title of this post? Well it alludes to The Old Parish Church Of Peebles!
Thanks to Kim D Smith for graciously allowing us to use her photograph as the background to our poster.
Sunday, 15 January 2017
Church of the Holy Rude
Our return visit to Linlithgow was very enjoyable, and the next time we sing is on Saturday 4th March when at 4pm we will sing Choral Evensong in the Church of the Holy Rude in Stirling, a few yards from Stirling castle.
Introit: Geistliches Lied (Johannes Brahms)
Responses: John Bertalot
Psalm: 22 & 23 (chants: Matthew Camidge, Henry Walford Davies)
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in b minor (Hugh Blair)
Anthem: Cast me not away from Thy presence (Samuel Sebastian Wesley)
Dating from the 15th century, the Church of the Holy Rude is the only church apart from Westminster Abbey still in active use that has hosted a coronation, when the infant King James VI (who was later also James I of England) was crowned there on 29th July 1567.
Introit: Geistliches Lied (Johannes Brahms)
Responses: John Bertalot
Psalm: 22 & 23 (chants: Matthew Camidge, Henry Walford Davies)
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in b minor (Hugh Blair)
Anthem: Cast me not away from Thy presence (Samuel Sebastian Wesley)
Dating from the 15th century, the Church of the Holy Rude is the only church apart from Westminster Abbey still in active use that has hosted a coronation, when the infant King James VI (who was later also James I of England) was crowned there on 29th July 1567.
Sunday, 13 November 2016
Following our enjoyable visit to Culross Abbey our 2016 season has drawn to a close and we now have a break over Advent and Christmas when our choir members have increased commitment to their own home choirs, but our 2017 season starts on Saturday January 14th when at 4pm we will be singing Choral Evensong in the historic St Michael's Parish Church in Linlithgow, directed by Frikki Walker and accompanied by Richard Walmsley.
Introit: Hail Gladdening Light (Charles Wood)
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Psalm: 73
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in D (Herbert Brewer)
Anthem: Tribus Miraculis (Giovanni Perluigi da Palestrina)
St Michael's is in the shadow of the ruins of Linlithgow Palace which is, of course, the birthplace of Mary, Queen of Scots and is well worth visiting
Introit: Hail Gladdening Light (Charles Wood)
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Psalm: 73
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in D (Herbert Brewer)
Anthem: Tribus Miraculis (Giovanni Perluigi da Palestrina)
St Michael's is in the shadow of the ruins of Linlithgow Palace which is, of course, the birthplace of Mary, Queen of Scots and is well worth visiting
Sunday, 9 October 2016
Culross Abbey
After a lovely, enjoyable service in the beautiful St Cuthbert's Parish Church in Edinburgh (almost in the shadow of the castle) our next meeting, the last of 2016, is on Saturday 12th November when we shall sing Choral Evensong for Remembrance at 4pm in historic Culross Abbey, directed by Frikki Walker and accompanied by Richard Walmsley.
Introit: Holy is the true light (Richard Shephard)
Responses: Thomas Tomkins
Psalm: 90 (chant: Henry Walford Davies)
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in F (George Dyson)
Anthem: Justorum Animae (Charles Villiers Stanford)
Anthem: We will remember them (John Madden)
Responses: Thomas Tomkins
Psalm: 90 (chant: Henry Walford Davies)
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in F (George Dyson)
Anthem: Justorum Animae (Charles Villiers Stanford)
Anthem: We will remember them (John Madden)
If you haven't visited Culross before (it's pronounced "Cooross") it's well worth a visit, with its picturesque houses nestling on the banks of the river Forth.
Sunday, 11 September 2016
Bothwell history lesson
Yesterday we visited the wonderfully historic Bothwell Parish Church where we sang Choral Evensong directed by Frikki Walker and accompanied by Richard Walmsley.
The music included Bairstow's Save us, O Lord, Howells' Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in G, William Smith Responses, and the introit Hear my prayer, O Lord which we were slightly naughty with after the rehearsal had finished. Bothwell Parish Church has a mediaeval quire which has been closed for renovation for over four years but which was due to reopen a couple of weeks ago, that was partly why we arranged this date to go and sing there, but inevitably the works have been delayed by a short few weeks and although it's basically finished it hasn't yet been cleaned up, signed off as safe, and reopened so is still shuttered off from the main church. But, and don't tell anyone this, access can be gained to it via an emergency exit door, so with copies in hand, and some trepidation lest the roof fell in on top of us, we briefly filed into the old part of the church and performed Purcell's hauntingly beautiful anthem with its soaring, climactic, eargasmic conclusion in the glorious acoustic of the mediaeval quire. Just for fun.
A splendid day was had by all the choir, we had a fair number of people not only in the congregation during the service but wandering in and out during the afternoon's rehearsals since the church doors were open in connection with Bothwell's Scarecrow Festival, and the welcome we received from the minister, assistant minister, and everyone at the church was lovely.
The minister, Rev Jim Gibson who is Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen as well as being a Member of the Chapel Royal in Scotland, led the service (along with Assistant Minister Rev Hanna Ranking), and started by welcoming everyone and giving a brief history lesson on the church in Bothwell which although now firmly a Presbyterian Church of Scotland was originally Roman Catholic and following the Reformation was Anglican for thirty years. With members from many traditions we are very firmly a multi-denominational choir, the RSCM has something to offer all Christian denominations, and we were glad to be singing in a building that has hosted many flavours of Christianity over the years.
Our thoughts now turn to our next meeting, on Saturday 8th October when at 4pm we will sing Choral Evensong in St Cuthbert's Parish Church, Lothian Road, Edinburgh, for which the music list will be announced soon.
The music included Bairstow's Save us, O Lord, Howells' Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in G, William Smith Responses, and the introit Hear my prayer, O Lord which we were slightly naughty with after the rehearsal had finished. Bothwell Parish Church has a mediaeval quire which has been closed for renovation for over four years but which was due to reopen a couple of weeks ago, that was partly why we arranged this date to go and sing there, but inevitably the works have been delayed by a short few weeks and although it's basically finished it hasn't yet been cleaned up, signed off as safe, and reopened so is still shuttered off from the main church. But, and don't tell anyone this, access can be gained to it via an emergency exit door, so with copies in hand, and some trepidation lest the roof fell in on top of us, we briefly filed into the old part of the church and performed Purcell's hauntingly beautiful anthem with its soaring, climactic, eargasmic conclusion in the glorious acoustic of the mediaeval quire. Just for fun.
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Singing in the mediaeval quire |
A splendid day was had by all the choir, we had a fair number of people not only in the congregation during the service but wandering in and out during the afternoon's rehearsals since the church doors were open in connection with Bothwell's Scarecrow Festival, and the welcome we received from the minister, assistant minister, and everyone at the church was lovely.
The minister, Rev Jim Gibson who is Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen as well as being a Member of the Chapel Royal in Scotland, led the service (along with Assistant Minister Rev Hanna Ranking), and started by welcoming everyone and giving a brief history lesson on the church in Bothwell which although now firmly a Presbyterian Church of Scotland was originally Roman Catholic and following the Reformation was Anglican for thirty years. With members from many traditions we are very firmly a multi-denominational choir, the RSCM has something to offer all Christian denominations, and we were glad to be singing in a building that has hosted many flavours of Christianity over the years.
Our thoughts now turn to our next meeting, on Saturday 8th October when at 4pm we will sing Choral Evensong in St Cuthbert's Parish Church, Lothian Road, Edinburgh, for which the music list will be announced soon.
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
It might be all about the bass, but the tenors get the drink

One such of these is Sadie. As well as singing alto in RSCM Scottish Voices Sadie entertains a different audience as a member of Arlen, and you can catch them performing musical gems from the Great American and British Songbooks in Edinburgh's Free Fringe at 6.55pm on 10th and 24th August in Voodoo Rooms Speakeasy, 19a West Register Street, Edinburgh EH2 2AA, and in the Fringe by the Sea at 3pm on 11th August in La Gaiete Spiegeltent in North Berwick.

The performances are free, and we are reliably informed that not only will there be a stunning rendition of Meghan Trainor's All About That Bass, but any RSCM Scottish Voices tenors in attendance will be eligible to receive a free drink after the concert!
Really, what's not to like?
Friday, 22 July 2016
2017 season announced
The venues for our 2017 season have just been finalised, so including the last half of our 2016 season from this point forward our plans are listed below. Other than our rehearsal weekend when there is no public access we'd be delighted to see you at one or more of our services, which generally start at 4pm, last under an hour, and contain glorious music!
10th September 2016
Bothwell Parish Church
Choral Evensong at 4pm
8th October 2016
St Cuthbert's Parish Church, Lothian Rd, Edinburgh
Choral Evensong at 4pm
12th November 2016
Culross Abbey
Choral Evensong at 4pm
14th January 2017
St Michael's Parish Church, Linlithgow
Choral Evensong at 4pm
4th March 2017
Church of the Holy Rude, Stirling
Choral Evensong at 4pm
20th May 2017
Peebles Old Parish Church
Choral Evensong at 4pm
11th to 13th August 2017
Scottish Police College, Tulliallan Castle, Kincardine on Forth
Annual Residential Rehearsal Weekend (NB: No public access or performance)
9th September 2017
St John's Episcopal Church, Dumfries
Choral Evensong at 4pm
7th October 2017
St Machar's Cathedral, Aberdeen
Choral Evensong at 4pm
11th November 2017
St Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, Dundee
Choral Evensong at 4pm
10th September 2016
Bothwell Parish Church
Choral Evensong at 4pm
8th October 2016
St Cuthbert's Parish Church, Lothian Rd, Edinburgh
Choral Evensong at 4pm
12th November 2016
Culross Abbey
Choral Evensong at 4pm
14th January 2017
St Michael's Parish Church, Linlithgow
Choral Evensong at 4pm
4th March 2017
Church of the Holy Rude, Stirling
Choral Evensong at 4pm
20th May 2017
Peebles Old Parish Church
Choral Evensong at 4pm
11th to 13th August 2017
Scottish Police College, Tulliallan Castle, Kincardine on Forth
Annual Residential Rehearsal Weekend (NB: No public access or performance)
9th September 2017
St John's Episcopal Church, Dumfries
Choral Evensong at 4pm
7th October 2017
St Machar's Cathedral, Aberdeen
Choral Evensong at 4pm
11th November 2017
St Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, Dundee
Choral Evensong at 4pm
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Dunblane 2016
Psalm rehearsal |
Unfortunately the Rev Colin Renwick is ill at the moment, we wish him a speedy recovery, so the service was led by Richard Finch, the readings were done by Nigel Hart and Neil Parker, and the cantor was David James, all choir members.
Dunblane had been hosting a training day for the Scottish Churches Organist Training Scheme (SCOTS), which we gather went very well, and this meant that the congregation was boosted by many of the organists who had been enjoying their own music making earlier in the day. Some of them joined various choir members in the Tappit Hen across the road from the Cathedral for a post-service refreshment, and it was nice to chat to them.
Some of us will get together with the choir of St Mary's Cathedral in Glasgow to celebrate RSCM Music Sunday on 12th June, then some of us are singing at the wedding of two of our members in August in Ayrshire (them having met in the choir) and in late August we have our residential rehearsal weekend when we'll start to learn repertoire for the next 12 months and of course we'll socialise hard!
The next time we shall sing as a choir together though is on Saturday 10th September when we'll be in Bothwell Parish Church (where one of our members is the organist) singing Choral Evensong at our customary time of 4pm.
There will soon be the annual meeting to plan our next year's activities, so that hopefully all the dates and confirmed venues can be announced to the choir at the rehearsal weekend (this is BY FAR the busiest time of the year for the choir administrator), so watch this space because they'll be announced here soon after the choir members get to know.
Monday, 18 April 2016
Wind and Fire of Pentecost
Join us at 4pm on Saturday 14th May 2016 in Dunblane Cathedral, when on the eve of Pentecost we sing Choral Evensong, directed by Frikki Walker.
Introit: Litany to the Holy Spirit (Peter Hurford)
Responses: Richard Seal
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in E (Herbert Murrill)
Anthem: Rejoice, the Lord is King (Malcolm Archer)
Introit: Litany to the Holy Spirit (Peter Hurford)
Responses: Richard Seal
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in E (Herbert Murrill)
Anthem: Rejoice, the Lord is King (Malcolm Archer)
Sunday, 27 March 2016
Happy Easter
Happy Easter from all members of RSCM Scottish Voices. We hope all your singing commitments during Holy Week and over the Easter weekend have been successful, rewarding, and spiritually uplifting.
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Glasgow 2016
It was a day different to the usual one we enjoy, but enjoyable nonetheless. Originally scheduled as Choral Evensong, we were asked by the Right Reverend Dr Gregor Duncan, Bishop of the Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway of the Scottish Episcopal Church, to instead provide the music for a Chrism Mass when priests from all over the diocese gather to renew their ordination vows and to bless various oils used in their ministry.
The Bishop delivered a homily, and made the choir feel particularly welcome and an integral part of the service during it, which was commented on afterwards by several choir members.
Directed by Frikki Walker and accompanied by Steven McIntyre the setting was Harold E Darke's rather nice Communion Service in F, with the soprano soloist Ruth Elder, tenor and baritone soloist Ian Gibson, and solo quartet made up of Ruth Elder, Pam Barrowman, Ian Gibson and Stewart Macrae. Well done to all of them!
The anthem was a little gem by New York based Norwegian composer Ola Gjeilo, called Ubi Caritas which if you haven't heard it before is well worth a listen. A recording during which you can look at the sheet music too can be seen on YouTube here, and the sheet music is available to purchase from the RSCM here.
The next outing is for 20 of our singers who are making the journey south to Peterborough Cathedral on 9th April to join forces with our counterparts from the rest of the country as we celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the founding of RSCM Cathedral Singers by Martin How, in what promises to be a splendid Choral Evensong which includes O praise the Lord, a new introit written by Martin How for the occasion, Ayleward Responses, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in D by George Dyson, and Surrexit a mortuis by Charles Marie Widor (written not only for double choir but for two organs!).
The next time the full choir meets is on 14th May when we close the first half of our 2016 season with Choral Evensong in Dunblane Cathedral. Originally planned as a joint service with RSCM Young Scottish Voices, for various reasons the youngsters aren't now available to join us for that service which will include Litany to the Holy Spirit (Peter Hurford), Richard Seal Responses, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in E (Herbert Murrill), and Rejoice the Lord is King (Malcolm Archer).
The Bishop delivered a homily, and made the choir feel particularly welcome and an integral part of the service during it, which was commented on afterwards by several choir members.
Directed by Frikki Walker and accompanied by Steven McIntyre the setting was Harold E Darke's rather nice Communion Service in F, with the soprano soloist Ruth Elder, tenor and baritone soloist Ian Gibson, and solo quartet made up of Ruth Elder, Pam Barrowman, Ian Gibson and Stewart Macrae. Well done to all of them!
The anthem was a little gem by New York based Norwegian composer Ola Gjeilo, called Ubi Caritas which if you haven't heard it before is well worth a listen. A recording during which you can look at the sheet music too can be seen on YouTube here, and the sheet music is available to purchase from the RSCM here.
The next outing is for 20 of our singers who are making the journey south to Peterborough Cathedral on 9th April to join forces with our counterparts from the rest of the country as we celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the founding of RSCM Cathedral Singers by Martin How, in what promises to be a splendid Choral Evensong which includes O praise the Lord, a new introit written by Martin How for the occasion, Ayleward Responses, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in D by George Dyson, and Surrexit a mortuis by Charles Marie Widor (written not only for double choir but for two organs!).
The next time the full choir meets is on 14th May when we close the first half of our 2016 season with Choral Evensong in Dunblane Cathedral. Originally planned as a joint service with RSCM Young Scottish Voices, for various reasons the youngsters aren't now available to join us for that service which will include Litany to the Holy Spirit (Peter Hurford), Richard Seal Responses, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in E (Herbert Murrill), and Rejoice the Lord is King (Malcolm Archer).
Sunday, 21 February 2016
Chrism Mass
Join us at 4pm on Saturday 19th March 2016 in St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, 300 Great Western Road, Glasgow, as we provide the music for the Chrism Mass when priests from all over the diocese of Glasgow & Galloway meet to receive Chrism Oils.
Directed by Frikki Walker, and on this occasion accompanied by Steven McIntyre, we will sing the Communion Service in F Major by Harold Darke, and the anthem Ubi Caritas by Ola Gjeilo
Directed by Frikki Walker, and on this occasion accompanied by Steven McIntyre, we will sing the Communion Service in F Major by Harold Darke, and the anthem Ubi Caritas by Ola Gjeilo
Sunday, 7 February 2016
The nice people of Carlisle were very welcoming and friendly, particularly James and John the vergers, and all of the choir thoroughly enjoyed our visit. If they'll have us, we'll be back!
Our next meeting is on familiar territory when we will take part in a Chrism Mass in St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow on Saturday 19th March at 4pm. The setting will be the Communion Service in F Major by Harold E Darke, and the anthem will be the rather lovely Ubi Caritas by Ola Gjeilo
Saturday, 23 January 2016
Carlisle Cathedral |
The music list is:
Introit: Peace I leave with you - Frederick Wadeley
Responses: Richard Shephard
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in F (Collegium Regale) - Charles Wood
Anthem: A song of praise - George Dyson
Please do come to the service if you're in the Carlisle area, we're very much looking forward to our visit and it'd be great to see a few people in the congregation!
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Happy Christmas
As all our members toil away at the singing commitments in their home choirs, we'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy Christmas, and a magnificent year of music-making in 2016!
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Error in CMQ
Eagle-eyed recipients of the fine RSCM publication Church Music Quarterly and its accompanying booklet The Network may spot in the December edition (which our administrator received through the post today) that on page 20 of The Network we are listed as singing Choral Evensong in Dundee on 5th March 2016.
We aren't. It's a typo.
That date and venue relates to our wee sister choir RSCM Young Scottish Voices, not us. So please go there at that time on that date to support them, but you won't hear RSCM Scottish Voices singing.
We aren't. It's a typo.
That date and venue relates to our wee sister choir RSCM Young Scottish Voices, not us. So please go there at that time on that date to support them, but you won't hear RSCM Scottish Voices singing.
Sunday, 15 November 2015
Season's end, brrrr!
Our 2015 season has now drawn to a close, after our very successful and enjoyable Choral Evensong yesterday with members of our wee sister choir RSCM Young Scottish Voices in Old Saint Paul's Episcopal Church in Edinburgh's Old Town.
Around 40 adults and 15 youngsters braved the rather low temperatures of the church (despite the heating being on, it had a battle on its hands against the cold Edinburgh chill!) and sang to a very appreciative congregation of almost 40 hardy souls.
Despite the temperature we enjoyed a warm welcome from Old Saint Paul's, and we're looking forward to returning there in the future. Perhaps we'll schedule it for summer next time though!
The next time we meet as a choir is on February 6th 2016, when we make the journey south to Carlisle Cathedral to sing Choral Evensong at 5.30pm. Several choir members have already booked overnight accommodation in Carlisle, so it looks like it's going to be a great social occasion as well as a musical one. Will it be warmer? Here's hoping!
Around 40 adults and 15 youngsters braved the rather low temperatures of the church (despite the heating being on, it had a battle on its hands against the cold Edinburgh chill!) and sang to a very appreciative congregation of almost 40 hardy souls.
Despite the temperature we enjoyed a warm welcome from Old Saint Paul's, and we're looking forward to returning there in the future. Perhaps we'll schedule it for summer next time though!
The next time we meet as a choir is on February 6th 2016, when we make the journey south to Carlisle Cathedral to sing Choral Evensong at 5.30pm. Several choir members have already booked overnight accommodation in Carlisle, so it looks like it's going to be a great social occasion as well as a musical one. Will it be warmer? Here's hoping!
Sunday, 4 October 2015
Old Saint Paul's 2015
After a great sing yesterday in Perth our 2015 season draws to a close with a collaboration between the adults of RSCM Scottish Voices, and the youngsters of our wee sister choir Young Scottish Voices, when at 4pm on Saturday 14th November we will join forces to sing a splendid Choral Evensong in the delightfully atmospheric Old Saint Paul's Episcopal Church in Edinburgh, directed by Frikki Walker and accompanied by Richard Walmsley.
Watch this space for more details, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter @RSCMScotVoices
- Introit: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (S S Wesley)
- Responses: Richard Seal
- Psalms: 123, 124, 125 (chants by George Thalben-Ball, Samuel Wesley, and Charles H Lloyd)
- Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in A (Herbert Sumsion)
- Anthem: Love Divine (Howard Goodall)
Watch this space for more details, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter @RSCMScotVoices
choral evensong,
rscm young scottish voices
Monday, 7 September 2015
Perth 2015
Our next outing is a very welcome return visit to St Ninian's Episcopal Cathedral in Perth on Saturday 3rd October 2015, where at 4pm we will sing Choral Evensong directed by Richard Walmsley and accompanied by Matthew Beetschen (former chair of RSCM Scotland).
Introit: God be in my head (John Rutter)
Responses: William Smith of Durham
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis Fauxbourdon (John Bertalot)
Anthem: The Canticle of Brother Sun (Grayston Ives)
All are welcome at the service which will last under an hour.
Introit: God be in my head (John Rutter)
Responses: William Smith of Durham
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis Fauxbourdon (John Bertalot)
Anthem: The Canticle of Brother Sun (Grayston Ives)
All are welcome at the service which will last under an hour.
choral evensong,
Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Introit: Sing Joyfully (William Byrd)
Responses: Bernard Rose
Canticles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in B flat (Sir John Stainer)
Anthem: And I saw a new heaven (Sir Edgar Bainton)
All are welcome in the service, which will last less than an hour.
choral evensong,
Sunday, 9 August 2015
2016 season announced
Hot off the press, our choir members have just been enjoying our annual residential rehearsal weekend which this year has been at the Scottish Police College, Tulliallan Castle, and during the weekend all of the venues for our 2016 season were announced, so including the remaining three events of 2015 all of our confirmed future activities can now be revealed to the world as:
Full details of each service will be announced here and on Twitter nearer the time, and of course dates and venues are always published in The Network which is distributed to RSCM members and affiliated churches alongside Church Music Quarterly.
- 5th Sep 2015, 4pm - St John's Episcopal Cathedral, Oban - Choral Evensong
- 3rd Oct 2015, 4pm - St Ninian's Episcopal Cathedral, Perth - Choral Evensong
- 14th Nov 2015, 4pm - Old Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, Edinburgh - Joint Choral Evensong with Young Scottish Voices
- 6th Feb 2016, 5.30pm - Carlisle Cathedral - Choral Evensong
- 19th Mar 2016, 4pm - St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow- Choral Evensong
- 9th Apr 2016 - Peterborough Cathedral - RSCM Cathedral Singers Golden Jubilee Celebration
- 14th May 2016, 4pm - Dunblane Cathedral - Joint Choral Evensong with Young Scottish Voices
- 19th to 21st Aug 2016 - Residential Rehearsal Weekend (no public performance)
- 10th Sep 2016, 4pm - Bothwell Parish Church - Choral Evensong
- 8th Oct 2016, 4pm - St Cuthbert's Parish Church, Edinburgh - Choral Evensong
- 12th Nov 2016, 4pm - Culross Abbey - Joint service with Young Scottish Voices
Full details of each service will be announced here and on Twitter nearer the time, and of course dates and venues are always published in The Network which is distributed to RSCM members and affiliated churches alongside Church Music Quarterly.
rscm voices,
rscm young scottish voices
Saturday, 9 May 2015
Royal links
Today we visited beautiful Royal Deeside and sang unaccompanied Choral Evensong in St Margaret's former Episcopal Church in Braemar.
Braemar is just a few miles along the road from Balmoral Castle, Scottish home of Her Majesty the Queen who is the Royal Patron of the Royal School of Church Music, and it didn't seem right for an RSCM choir to be singing almost on her doorstep without letting her know, so a while back our administrator sent off a letter to Buckingham Palace advising Her Majesty of our visit, and inviting her to the service should she be in the area.
The response, from The Chief Clerk to The Queen, was that The Queen's engagements are planned A LONG time in advance and therefore regrettably she was unable to attend. In the envelope though, in addition to the reply from The Chief Clerk, was a letter from Her Majesty herself, containing congratulations to all involved in the regeneration of St Margaret's Church, and best wishes to the choir!
Her Majesty's letter was reproduced in the Orders of Service today, and a scan is reproduced below.
Braemar is just a few miles along the road from Balmoral Castle, Scottish home of Her Majesty the Queen who is the Royal Patron of the Royal School of Church Music, and it didn't seem right for an RSCM choir to be singing almost on her doorstep without letting her know, so a while back our administrator sent off a letter to Buckingham Palace advising Her Majesty of our visit, and inviting her to the service should she be in the area.
The response, from The Chief Clerk to The Queen, was that The Queen's engagements are planned A LONG time in advance and therefore regrettably she was unable to attend. In the envelope though, in addition to the reply from The Chief Clerk, was a letter from Her Majesty herself, containing congratulations to all involved in the regeneration of St Margaret's Church, and best wishes to the choir!
Her Majesty's letter was reproduced in the Orders of Service today, and a scan is reproduced below.
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