Monday, 24 June 2013

RSCM Music Sunday

Although not one of our six core events, some 23 members of RSCM Scottish Voices (not that far off half our choir) were singing in St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow yesterday where the cathedral choir, our singers, and choirs from around the diocese of Glasgow & Galloway joined to celebrate RSCM Music Sunday, and accompanied by Brass and Organ we raised the roof with glorious music including Parry's I was Glad amongst other delights!

The 100 strong choir included singers from as far afield as Dumfries in the south, Edinburgh in the east, and Elgin (near Inverness) in the north, all under the inspiring leadership of the Director of Music of St Mary's Cathedral, who also happens to be our own Musical Director, Frikki Walker.

It's the summer now, and the next time we meet is for our annual residential rehearsal weekend in early August which doesn't feature any public service or performance, so the next time you can hear RSCM Scottish Voices sing will be on Saturday 14th September 2013 in St Andrew's Episcopal Cathedral in Inverness, when we shall be singing Choral Evensong at 4.30pm.

More details including the music list will be announced here in due course, and you can follow us on Twitter at @RSCMScotVoices where we publish details of our activities.

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